NYRR INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED having CIN U45209AP2022PTC122746 is 8 months old Private company incorporated with MCA on 9th September, 2022. NYRR INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is listed in the class of Private company and classified as Non-govt company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Vijayawada with an Authorized Share Capital of ₹10,00,000 and paid-up capital is ₹1,00,000.
The company has 2 directors/key management personal YEDDULA RAJESHBABU REDDY, OBULAREDDYGARI NAGARJUNAREDDY. NYRR INFRA PVT LTD company registration number is 122746 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U45209AP2022PTC122746.
As per MCA records NYRR INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is involved in activities such as Construction
NYRR Infra Private Limited offers Telecom Infrastructure Services, Network Engineering Services and O&M services, including Design & Supply of various type of Telecom Towers, Mast and Poles
NYRR Infra Private Limited has adequate resources and competencies to handle various challenging projects and services.
NYRR INFRA PVT LTD’s registered office address is D.no.2-32, Peta Colony Peddavaduguru Village & Mandal Peddavaduguru Anantapur Ap 515405 In. Find other contact information for NYRR INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED such as contact number, email, website, GST details and more below.
Provides Induction and refresher courses to staff on various aspects of